About Alice McGuin, LCSW

Ready to take charge of your life?

I’m a Northern Virginia based therapist who specializes anxiety, trauma and teen issues using relational EMDR.

let me be the first to tell you:

You’re doing better than you think.

Clients often come into my office feeling frustrated and like they are hitting walls everywhere they turn. For some, it’s manageable enough, but they feel they need some help tuning up things in their life. For others, it’s hard to get out of bed, and life feels like it’s swallowing them whole. What I do know for sure is that time and time again, my clients are doing so much better than they think they are - I can almost guarantee you are too!

Sometimes it just gets hard to have a clear picture on what the real issues are, and trying to figure it all out on your own just isn’t working. That’s where I come in. With compassion, humor and a little tough love, we will work together to help you find clarity on where you are going and develop the tools to get there.

How I work

Therapy is relational.

There is a saying in the therapy world “It’s the relationship that heals” - Irvin Yalom

Our past informs the present, often in ways we don’t entirely understand. In our work together, we’ll develop an understanding of what parts of your past still impact you today, and through the therapeutic relationship, offer new ways to relate to yourself and the world.

I will support you.

I will challenge you.

I will hold space for you.

I will have positive regard for you despite any of the things you tell me.

Therapy with me is —

  • I will give you the tools you need to make changes at your pace.

  • Treatment plans are personalized for each client, tailored to your specific needs and issues.

  • The therapeutic space belongs to you! Unless I am leagally mandated to report, our work is completely private.

You’re worth the investment.